Broiler Medication and Vaccination Chart

Young broiler birds

Below is broiler medication and vaccination chart you can follow. Vaccinating your birds against viral diseases is very important because viral diseases are incurable. Vaccination will help to prevent or reduce the severity of viral diseases.

Medication on the other hand, is used to treat or prevent diseases caused by bacteria, fungi or protozoa. But if you follow good biosecurity measures, you can reduce the amount of medication you give.

Here goes the chart:

Day 1: Marek vaccine: This is usually given to the chicks at the hatchery.

On getting to your brooding pen, give them multivitamins and minerals in water. Provide broiler starter feed in enough feeder such that all of them can feed at the same time without struggle.

Day 2-4: Multivitamins and antibiotics. Recommended antibiotics include …..

Day 5: Gumboro vaccine via drinking water.

Day 7: Lasota for Newcastle disease

Day 10-12: Anti-coccidiosis drugs and
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